Friday, February 18, 2011


For the past couple of days, we took a break from farming and visited the largest national park in Ireland: Killarney National Park. We stayed in nearby Killarney which also happens to be the most touristy town in Ireland, having practiced tourism for 250 years!! All the shops and restaurants claimed to be traditional Irish even though some seemed to sell food dominantly of the Italian persuasion and a large number items that may or may not have been traditionally Irish (like Spongebob guitars).
A good part of the park is a bog.

There are also three lakes in the park, the tallest mountain range in Ireland and Ross Castle.
We climbed around the castle and enjoyed the view across the lake.
We contemplated what it would be like to be a king living in a castle like this in the Middle Ages. What would the king do each day? How would he keep warm? What would he eat?

We were able to get a great deal on a room with a jacuzzi in a nice hotel in the middle of town because it is the off season and we went during the middle of the week. I found that using the body wash and the jacuzzi jets at the same time resulted in the biggest bubble bath I had ever experienced.
We are back with the Cronins and apparently the scheming pigs found the part of the fence that we had not electrified or reinforced and burrowed underneath it into the neighbor's yard. The neighbors were very angry. The pigs are now in an electrified pen in the glass house (which we had just organized before we left).

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